Greetings to all:
Yes this is me again. I haven't been assassinated yet. In case you're a new reader, I'm known as the revealer of rogue police tactics and procedures. I have dedicated my life to revealing all rogue cops and their illegal injustices. In case you asking why, it's because I was a former rogue cop who issued unjust citations and perform illegal arrests. I did what I saw other cops do and never questioned these other cops about it. I simply joined the blue wall of brotherhood.
This question was asked of me tonight and I thought it good to answer this question to all.
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A city police officer is commissioned to follow all laws in his jurisdiction. This means within the city limits of the city. He cannot venture outside the city limits to arrest, stop, or questioned any person except under one circumstance. He can go outside his jurisdiction if a crime or violation first occurred within his area and proceeded into another jurisdiction (called hot pursuit. Please read my other article about jurisdiction). He is only authorized to perform his oath for that citys' laws and ordinances. He cannot get involve with civil matters. He can only deal with criminal matters. His powers therefore are strictly limited.
A sheriff officer or deputy is actually much more powerful. It does'nt seem so but it is. The sheriffs' power extends through out the entire county or as in Louisiana, the entire parish.
Say for instance that you reside in Cook County, the County that Chicago is centered in. A Chicago police officer can only enforce the laws in the city of Chicago, that is, within the city limits. But the Cook County Sheriff's Department can enforce the laws within Cook County. This may be outside the city limits of Chicago. He can also enforce the laws within Chicago's city limits. They have broad range.
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But usually, they perform civil matters such as evictions, warrants, and other civil matters. But the sheriff patrols often outside the city limits. They have much more jurisdictional power than city police officers.
It's very rare to see a sheriff officer citing a driver for a traffic violation in the city. It's also even more rarer to observe a city cop issuing a citation outside the city limits.
Remember this, you shoud'nt be violating the law in or outside the city limits. But I think it's important that you know that sheriffs are police officers also, with a much wider range.
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For all the parties
Read my book called COP OUT, and many of your questions might be answered. Drive safe, obey the laws, and arrive home safe.